Featured Informative Speech
Islam and America by Ben Householder
There are two perspectives of Islam which Christians often confuse: There is Islam from a political perspective and Islam from a personal and evangelistic perspective. They are often confused because news dictates how many Americans view the Islamic worldview. In this speech, Ben has taken time to highlight the core tenets of this commonly misunderstood religion so that we can understand what they really believe and how we as Christians are to interpret what we hear about Islam.
More Informative Speeches
Paper, Paper Everywhere, and Not a Spot to Think | Shelley Hendry
Do you spend inordinate amounts of time searching for lost papers? Is your desk the most depressing thing you look at daily? Has paralysis set in because the stack of papers is so high? Are you constantly shuffling stacks of paper all over your desk and counters until you can find time to go through them all and organize them, but the time never seems to come? Is your greatest fear that someone will drop by without prior warning and need to walk through the part of your house where your office is? Are there missed appointments due to paper problems? Is tax season a nightmare? Need a paper management system? Come and find the help you need to help your home and home school function more efficiently.
How to Get It All Done: Some To-do and some To-don’t Lists for Life